Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cost of coffee in my office

Ever heard the phrase, "You have to spend money to make money?" This kind of falls into that idea. I really like drinking coffee and tea. When I was trying to find ways to quit spending money, coffee seemed like an obvious one. Some days, stopping by a coffee shop is the only thing that motivates me to go to the office. I'm not going to eliminate it all together. No way. No how. I was getting up towards 2 coffees a week which doesn't seem so unreasonable, so I budgeted for that. Then I got a french press for my office and started making my own coffee by taking advantage of the free hot water in the cafe up stairs. Then I got a brilliant idea to buy an electric water kettle for the office! Even better because the cafe isn't always open and afternoon coffee or tea is often needed to get through the day. Only problem was that I had to spend money on it up front.

So here's the justification math as I see it...

Money Spent on Supplies
French press: $0 (i used a birthday gift card)
Coffee: $0 (I bought one bag with the same birthday gift card and since then I've gotten 2 bags as presents)
Electric water kettle: $14

Money Not Spent on Coffee
Now I buy about 1 coffee per week. Before I budgeted about $5 per week for coffee. Now I only spend $2.50 a week. So my office coffee system took 6 weeks to pay for itself! And now my coffee budget is only $10 per month and I'm surviving quite well!

That's a living latte factor!

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